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Post: Top Blogging Trends and Stats to Watch Out for in 2023



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Top Blogging Trends and Stats to Watch Out for in 2023

If you’re like me, you’re always on the lookout for the latest blogging trends and statistics. With so much information out there, it can be hard to know what to focus on and what’s just noise.

In this blog post, we’ll be diving into the most recent blogging trends and stats to help you take your blog to the next level.

Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting out, these blogging trends will help you stay ahead of the game and drive more traffic to your blog.

So grab a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice) and let’s dive in!

Content Marketing is the new Blogging Trend

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 71% of marketers say that content marketing has become more important for their organization in the past year.

This means that more and more companies are realizing the value of creating high-quality content that engages their audience and drives traffic to their website.

Blogging Trends and Statistics Infograph - Content Marketing

And it’s not just businesses that are jumping on the content marketing bandwagon. As bloggers, we also need to prioritize content marketing if we want to grow our readership and build a loyal following.

Blogging’s Wide Reach and Influence Trend

As per the latest blogging stats by Web Tribunal, there are more than 600 million blogs out of 1.9 billion websites globally. That’s a lot of competition!

But don’t let that discourage you. The fact that 77% of internet users read blogs, as reported by Social Media Today, means that there’s still a huge audience out there for your content.

And it’s not just adults who are reading blogs. Statista reports that nearly 26% of people aged 5-18 in the U.K. are reading blogs, which means that younger generations are also engaged with this form of online content.

Blogging Trends and Statistics Infograph - Reach and Influence

If you’re like most bloggers, you’ve probably heard that longer content is better for SEO. But is that really true?

According to Ahrefs, there is a positive correlation between word count and backlinks for posts under 1,000 words. However, for longer posts, there is a negative correlation between word count and backlinks.

The same blogging trend holds true for organic traffic.

For posts up to 2,000 words, there is a moderate correlation between content length and organic traffic. But for longer posts, there is a moderate negative correlation between word count and organic traffic.

Blogging Trends and Statistics Infograph - Word Count and Backlinks

So what do these statistics mean for you as a blogger? While longer content can be great for engagement and social shares, it may not necessarily lead to more backlinks or organic traffic.

Instead, focus on creating high-quality content that is valuable to your readers, regardless of the length.

Key Stats on Consistency and Visuals in Blogs

As bloggers, we all want to see results from our efforts. And according to Orbit Media, 80% of bloggers report that blogging drives results.

But what exactly does this blogging trend mean for you? Well, bloggers who publish 2-6 times a week are 50% more likely to report strong results, while bloggers who use 7+ images per post are 2.3X more likely to report strong results.


This tells us that consistency and visuals are key when it comes to driving results from our blogs. So if you’re not already publishing content on a regular basis and using eye-catching images, it’s time to start!

B2B Blogging Statistics – Influential Content on the Rise

If your blog is focused on B2B topics, it’s important to know what types of content are most influential for your audience.

According to MarketingCharts, vendor websites are the most influential content type for 65% of B2B buyers, followed by third-party websites (48%) and third-party articles by independent publishers (39%).

So what does this mean for your blogging strategy? It’s important to focus on creating high-quality, informative content that showcases your expertise and builds trust with your audience. And don’t be afraid to collaborate with other bloggers or third-party publishers to expand your reach and credibility.

Finally, let’s talk about social media. We all know that social media can be a powerful tool for promoting our blog posts and driving traffic to our sites.

But did you know that 59% of links shared on social media are shared without ever being read, according to the Chicago Tribune?

This statistic may seem discouraging, but it actually highlights the importance of creating compelling headlines and visuals that grab readers’ attention and entices them to click through to your content.

So don’t skimp on your headlines or neglect your social media promotion – they can make all the difference when it comes to driving traffic and engagement.

Blogging Trends and Statistics Infograph - Social Media Link Sharing


And there you have it – the top blogging trends and stats to help you take your blog to the next level. Whether you’re focused on content marketing, backlinks, or social media promotion, there’s something here for everyone.

So what’s the key takeaway? Focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience and drives results.

And don’t forget to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and statistics in the blogging world – they can help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve even greater success.

Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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