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Post: The Startup Magazine 4 Issues That Will Influence The Way Consumers View Your Startup



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When launching a new business, many different factors should be considered. However, attracting and impressing consumers should be one of the top items on the agenda. After all, without clients, you will not gain the sales revenue needed for success.

positive brand image

Image courtesy of Pixabay (CC0)

Naturally, providing quality products is the most important feature if you want to win customers and keep them coming back. But by putting yourself in the consumer’s shoes, you’ll soon see that several other issues will impact their views. Here are four key factors, along with what can be done to ensure you create a positive brand image.


In today’s climate, modern consumers are concerned about the threat of data breaches and having their personal info leaked. Similarly, they will not be willing to visit business premises that leave them feeling vulnerable. So, it’s vital that you implement a robust security strategy that delivers optimal protection. In both the physical world and digital landscape. Not only does it make prospective clients more trusting, but it also protects your future and builds a positive brand image.

Sadly, over half of all SMEs that fall victim to breaches close within six months of an attack. So, prevention is truly the best form of protection.


Modern consumers have access to more businesses than ever before. Likewise, they can conduct research into any brand within seconds from the palm of their hands. At least 85% complete some research before making a purchase. When they can see that your business has kept other customers happy, it shows that you can do the same for them. For startups, it can be a great way to legitimise the company too. The power of recommendation and social proof is incredible.

Besides, gaining verified reviews from multiple customers will also boost your SEO ranking. As such, more people will discover the brand.

Environmental Impact

People are now more concerned about protecting the planet than ever before and expect companies to feel the same. Taking positive steps to build a greener startup will influence most consumers. In some cases, it is the key issue that leads to conversions. The use of greener materials is vital for contractors. For example, eco-friendly shed bases and summerhouse materials when updating a client’s garden work wonders. Integrating energy-efficient lighting and appliances is another ideal move.

Recyclable materials and greener packaging are also necessary. To make it a part of your brand’s DNA, look for in-house upgrades too.

Customer Experiences

Consumers don’t only care about the products. They want to feel valued by businesses too. In fact, 86% are happy to pay more for a better customer experience. Thankfully, this is one area where startups and SMEs can outperform larger organisations. Adding live chat and chatbot facilities will give your online efforts an advantage over many competitors. As for in-store interactions, friendly staff equipped with mobile POS terminals are key. It allows them to offer smooth transactions and a personalised service.

Crucially, you should not end your commitment at the point of sale. Membership schemes, offers for their birthday, and responding to feedback all help build a positive brand image.

Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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