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Post: 120+ Digital Marketing Statistics of 2023 for Online Growth



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In a world where new businesses are popping up every day, brand visibility is everything.

Digital marketing is the answer to getting your brand in front of thousands of new potential customers. Digital marketing refers to any marketing channel that happens online or via technology. Marketing disciplines like social media, mobile marketing, and marketing analytics all fall under the umbrella of different digital marketing types.

There is an abundance of marketing myths out there, which can make it hard to know what digital marketing services or strategies are worth your time and which are better left behind. The truth is choosing the right digital marketing mix will depend on your individual company goals. 

If you are a business or a marketer seeking the most recent insights into the digital marketing space, we have you sorted. We’ll discuss content and email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), video marketing, artificial intelligence (AI), and many other subjects.

120+ important digital marketing statistics 

It might be hard to understand how all of these disciplines can come together in a cohesive digital marketing strategy, but these statistics provide insight into the most popular types of digital marketing and how they will impact business technology in 2023. 

General digital marketing statistics 

Whether your company is business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C), a fleshed-out digital marketing strategy is the most effective tactic to gain more visibility, customers, and revenue for your company. Here are some general statistics to give you an idea of the digital marketing landscape.

  • The digital marketing industry is predicted to reach $807 billion by 2026.
  • Search Advertising is the digital market’s biggest segment, with a volume of $202.40 billion.
  • 49% of marketers say that organic search has the best return on investment (ROI). 
  • Digital advertisements can increase a brand’s awareness by 80%.
  • Over 90% of people read reviews online before making a purchasing decision.


the number of ads the average person sees per day.

  • 54% of customers say they get annoyed if they are targeted with an ad for something they’ve already bought.
  • 78% of marketers say they have a small marketing team of between one and three people. These teams usually included a writer (52%), a social media manager (36%), and an SEO specialist (34%).
  • 58% of customers are comfortable with their data being used transparently, but only 63% say companies are generally transparent about how their data is used.

Content marketing statistics

Content marketing is a strategy in which marketing teams post relevant and engaging content to boost the value and visibility of their products or services. A great example of this is when marketing teams create informative blogs that establish their brand as a thought leader in their respective field. Here are some statistics about how real marketers are using content marketing in their larger digital marketing strategy. 

  • Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) report spending an average of $10,000 on content marketing per year.
  • Nearly 80% of very successful content marketers spend more than 10% of their total marketing budgets on content. 
  • 87% of marketers who’ve used webinars found them effective.
  • 67% of marketers report SEO as the most effective tactic they implement to grow their content strategy. 
  • Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates three times as many leads.
  • The top three content marketing KPIs marketers report using are organic traffic (76%), leads generated (62%), and sessions (60%).

Only 19%

of marketers report producing original research and studies.

  • 52% of marketers say social media and community building is a top priority, as is improving content quality, followed by audience research.
  • 51% of companies say updating old content is the most efficient tactic. 
  • 84% of marketers list “brand awareness” among their B2B content marketing goals.
  • Companies with blogs produce 67% more leads per month than those without.
  • 54% of content marketers say generating quality leads is their biggest challenge.
  • The three most popular content formats are videos (45%), short-form articles (31%) and success stories (28%). 
  • Content marketing costs up to 41% less than paid search.
  • 45% of internet users aged 25–34 report listening to podcasts regularly.
  • 83% of traffic to marketing blogs comes from desktops. 
  • The two most popular content distribution channels are social media (94%) and email (76%).

Website statistics 

Websites are an excellent approach to increasing your digital market authority. We’ve reviewed some intriguing website-building statistics and how they influence online user experiences.

  • 88.5% of people leave the website due to the slow loading of the website.
  • Slow-loading websites costs retailers $2.6 billion in sales annually.
  • Videos on a website can increase the average time spent on a page by 88%.
  • Website visitors spend an average of 6.44 seconds focused on the main navigation menu.

0.05 seconds

is all it takes for users to form an opinion about a website.

  • WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS), housing 42.4% of the internet’s websites.
  • 40% of users won’t engage with a website if its layout is unattractive.
  • 50% of internet users say that they consider website design as a factor in formulating their opinion on a business.

Email marketing statistics

Email marketing remains the best digital marketing channel for ROI. Although it can be expensive and a bit tedious at times, time and time again, email marketing works. But what are the best ways to ensure your message stands out in a crowded inbox? These email marketing statistics can give you a good idea of where to get started.

  • The average person checks their email at least 20 times a day.
  • Both consumers and marketers rank email as their preferred method of communicating.


of marketers say email marketing is their best digital channel for ROI.

  • 48% of brands make use of videos in their email marketing campaigns.
  • Mobile-friendly email is the second most popular strategy implemented by email marketers to increase their ROI. 
  • 20% of marketing email campaigns are not optimized for mobile phones.
  • You can expect to earn a staggering $42 back for every dollar you spend on email marketing.
  • The best time to send cold emails is between 5-6 am (37% open rate; 8% response rate) and 7-9 pm (48% open rate; 8% response rate).
  • Tuesdays have the highest click-through rates – 2.4%, while Saturdays and Sundays observe the lowest CTR – 2.1%.
  • Roughly 53% of all emails sent are classified as spam.
  • 60% of consumers subscribe to a brand’s list to get promotional messages and deals, compared to only 20% who follow brands on social media.
  • Segmented email campaigns have a 14% higher open rate and a 75% higher click rate compared to non-segmented email campaigns. 
  • Companies that A/B test every email see email marketing returns that are 37% higher than those of brands that don’t.
  • Emails with personalized subject lines had a 50% higher rate compared to emails that didn’t use personalization.

Lead generation statistics

Lead generation is one of the most essential metrics marketers are judged against. However, getting people to fill out lead forms and sign up for email newsletters is hard. These statistics outline which lead generation strategies will give you the best results and how you can optimize your lead funnel to generate higher quality leads faster than ever. 

  • Leads that are actively nurtured by marketing produce 20% more sales opportunities.
  • Companies that nurture leads generate 50% more sales at 33% lower costs.
  • Landing pages have the highest conversion rate (23%), while pop-ups have the second-lowest conversion rate (3%). 
  • The average cost of a B2B sales lead ranges from $30 to $60.
  • 80% of B2B companies use content marketing for lead generation. 


of marketers spend at least half of their budget on lead generation.

  • Only 17% of marketers A/B test their landing pages to improve conversion rates. 
  • Customers are only willing to wait five seconds for your page to load before it starts to bounce.
  • 42% of companies consider email to be one of their most crucial lead generation channels.
  • 73% of leads are not sales-ready the first time they interact with your brand.
  • 63% of leads who inquire about your business won’t be ready to convert for at least three months.
  • 61% of marketers say lead generation is their number one challenge.
  • Leads are nine times more likely to convert when businesses follow up within five minutes.
  • The majority of midsize and large companies generate less than 5,000 qualified leads each month, with the average being 1,877 leads per month.
  • 66% of marketers report using social media to generate leads.
  • The majority of marketers agree that LinkedIn is the most effective social media channel for B2B lead generation, but only 47% of marketers are actively using LinkedIn.

Pay-per-click (PPC) statistics 

PPC is a digital advertising approach in which the advertiser pays a charge each time one of their advertisements is clicked on. PPC advertisements come in various kinds and sizes (literally) and can contain text, graphics, videos, or a combination of the three. They may be found on search engines, web pages, social networking platforms, and other sources. Let us take a look at some interesting figures associated with PPC advertising.

  • PPC generates 2x the visitors as compared to SEO.
  • 65% of SMBs have a PPC campaign as of 2023.
  • Mid-sized businesses invest between $9,000 to $10,000 on PPC every month.

$190.5 billion

is the projected spend on search advertising globally in 2024.

  • The Google Display Network is the leading PPC provider with over 2 million sites in its program.
  • 65% of all high-intent searches result in an ad click.
  • Paid ads and social media account for less than 10% of B2B website traffic, leads, or sales. 

Mobile marketing statistics

Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy in which marketing teams attempt to reach their audience on their phones through channels such as text messaging and email. A business with an effective mobile marketing strategy will optimize its web pages for mobile viewing as well as all of its email marketing. Here’s a look at how marketers can make mobile marketing work for them.

  • One in four internet users are already mobile-only consumers, meaning they only access the internet using a cell phone.
  • 51% of smartphone users have discovered a new company or product when conducting a search on their smartphones.
  • 76% of people search on their smartphones for something nearby or want to visit a business the same day.
  • 33% of SMS recipients react to CTAs in SMS marketing messages, and 47% of those end up making a purchase.

$3.4 trillion

worth of online retail e-commerce sales come from smartphones.

  • SMS marketing click-through rates for e-commerce brands can be as high as 36%.
  • Mobile application conversion rates are 3x higher than a mobile website.
  • 59% of shoppers surveyed say that being able to shop on mobile is important when deciding which brand or retailer to buy from. 
  • 61% of people tend to shop on mobile websites that allow them to apply search filters. 

SEO statistics

SEO is a popular method for generating traffic to a brand website by ranking for popular search queries. Companies that want to drive traffic through SEO often conduct research on significant keywords that internet users are commonly searching for. They then write content based on these keywords to drive more traffic to their site.

These statistics show the best SEO strategies in your digital marketing efforts. 

  • There are an estimated 3.5 billion searches on Google each day.
  • 51% of shoppers say they use Google to research a purchase they plan to make online.
  • 85% of marketers report using website analytics and SEO tools to track their campaigns.
  • The top 500 most popular search terms make up 8.4% of all search volume.
  • 90.63% of pages get no organic search traffic from Google.


of people don’t go beyond Google’s first result page.

  • The #1 result in Google’s organic search results has an average CTR of 31.7%.
  • 64% of marketers actively invest time in  SEO. 
  • Organic traffic is responsible for 53% of traffic to all websites. 
  • The top-ranking result in Google has an average of three times more backlinks than positions two through ten. 
  • Google Analytics is the number one SEO tool used by marketers.

Social media statistics

Social media is one of the most popular digital marketing channels, and it’s only expected to grow. Marketers have trusted platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for a long, long time. But what about new opportunities like TikTok and Snapchat? Are they worth your time and marketing budget? These statistics will give you a clear snapshot of the state of social media in 2023.

  • Businesses allocate around 15% of their marketing budget toward social media marketing.
  • 62% of people said they were more interested in a product after seeing it in a Facebook Story.
  • 82% of social media leads come from Twitter. However, only 22% of U.S. adults report using Twitter.
  • More than 300 million people worldwide use Pinterest every month.
  • YouTube is the second most popular website after Google.
  • Only 11% of marketers consider making use of user-generated content to be a tactic worth using.
  • 81% of marketers have synced their social media platforms with commerce systems.
  • LinkedIn is the second-most popular social media platform used by B2B marketers, ranking only behind Facebook. 
  • The most common publishing cadence for social media marketers is three to four times per week. 

2 billion 

people interact with Instagram’s story feature every month.

  • Almost a quarter of online U.S. adults say they have come across videos posted on TikTok. 
  • More than 1 billion videos are viewed on TikTok every day, and an ad on it can reach up to 885 million.
  • India is home to the most Instagram users – 326.6 million.
  • 68% of marketers report using influencers in a campaign.
  • Facebook has an advertisement reach of 2.14 billion. 
  • Snapchat has 383 million daily active users, as per the latest figures.
  • Influencer marketing has an ROI of 650%, as marketers get $6.5 for every $1 invested.

Video marketing statistics

Video marketing has seen a massive boom in popularity in the last few years. Because videos are often expensive and time-consuming to produce, most marketers are still unaware of the benefits these resources can bring their brand. Here are some of the best video marketing statistics for marketers in 2023.

  • 80% of video marketers claim that video has directly increased sales. 
  • 72% of customers prefer learning about a product or service by way of video.
  • Video has become the most commonly used format in content marketing, overtaking blogs and infographics.
  • A website is 53 times more likely to reach the front page of Google if it includes video.
  • YouTube is the world’s biggest video-sharing platform and 2nd most prominent social media. People watch 1 billion hours of videos on YouTube each day.


of marketers believe video is the hardest form of content to produce.

  • 84% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. 
  • 79% of video marketers use Facebook as a video marketing channel. 
  • 87% of video marketers on LinkedIn described the platform as an effective video marketing channel. 
  • Mobile video consumption rises by 100% every year.
  • People are twice as likely to share video content with their friends than any other type of content. 
  • 87% of video marketers say that video has increased traffic to their websites. 
  • Promotional videos and brand storytelling are the most common video types created by marketers. 
  • Videos under two minutes long get the most engagement.
  • People are able to retain a message 95% better when the information is received in the form of a video compared to just 10% when reading it in text.

AI in digital marketing

AI has been around for a long time, but adoption rates skyrocketed with the advent of ChatGPT. Marketers employ AI for a variety of functions, including image production, podcast script authoring, and even video editing. Marketers are also adjusting to this transition by investing in AI marketing solutions. Take a look at these fascinating statistics regarding the use of AI in marketing.

  • 50% of marketers believe inadequate adoption of AI is holding them back from achieving their goals.
  • 19.2% of marketers spend more than 40% of their marketing budget on AI-driven campaigns.
  • 91% of Fortune 1000 companies are increasing their investment in artificial intelligence.


of marketers use AI for basic content creation and to write copy.

  • The adoption of generative AI is highest in the marketing and advertising sector (37%). Technology (35%) and consulting (30%) are the other two sectors showing increased use of AI.
  • 60% of marketers implement AI to predict customer behavior and needs.
  • 26% of businesses are applying AI techniques such as natural language processing (NLP) to marketing and sales.

Digital marketing: the future-proof strategy for growth

With all of the different ways that businesses can market their product, it is clear that we are living in the golden age of digital marketing.  By leveraging the power of data-driven insights, creative content, and strategic online platforms, businesses can unlock the full potential of digital marketing to drive growth, build brand recognition, and connect with customers in previously unimaginable ways.

Whether you’re an SMB looking to get your brand off the ground or an enterprise brand hoping to reach even more customers, digital marketing can provide a wealth of information and tools to choose from.

Are you overwhelmed by all the areas digital marketing covers? Learn how to decide if it’s time to outsource your marketing strategy.

Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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