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Post: The Startup Magazine How To Stay Ahead Of 99% Of The Competition In The Security Industry



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Getting ahead of the competition in the security business is one thing, but staying ahead of it is quite another. Because it is so technologically driven, the sector is constantly changing, and it can be hard for non-technical people to keep up.

security industry competition

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Just look at what’s happened in the last five years. Smart software is revolutionizing the way security firms operate, changing everything from shift scheduling to camera monitoring. For the first time in history, the labor-intensiveness of the industry is declining. 

Are you wondering how to stay ahead of the security industry competition? Well, this post is for you. We look at various techniques and methods you can use to ensure your firm remains right at the forefront of the industry and continues to please employees and clients. 

Identify Future Trends

The first step to staying ahead of the competition in the security industry is to identify future trends. You should be clear on what is likely to change and how you can help clients defend themselves. 

For instance, in 2023, security firms are focusing more on biometric authentication hacking, cloud security, and cyberattacks. Breaches here are just as damaging and dangerous as people physically entering their property to steal. Clients want comprehensive security reassurance across physical and digital spaces to feel secure and encourage them to sign up for paid services. 

Invest In Continuous Training 

Security firms are also investing in continuous training to stay ahead of the competition. Companies with the most proficient staff are most likely to win long-term. 

Security needs are constantly evolving. Most firms hire staff prepared to deal with the challenges of two years ago, but fewer have individuals who can respond to those occurring in real-time, let alone ones coming down the pike. 

That’s where regular teaching and training can help. Companies that keep their people apprised of the latest information are more likely to provide their customers with a compelling and functional service. 

If possible, give your staff the ability to deal with emerging threats by providing a principles-based education. Once security agents and businesses understand the primary drivers of breaches and client security breakdowns, they can make decisions in real time on the optimal course of action. Clients are happier because they get a more robust and effective response, and employees enjoy feeling effective in their roles. 

The word “continuous” is also key when it comes to training in the security sector. Information learned just 12 months ago may already be out of date, and new learning is necessary. 

Develop A Strong Security Culture

Another way to keep your firm ahead of the security industry competition is to develop a strong security culture. You want your employees to really believe in what they are doing, instead of going through the motions and running down the clock. 

Granted, it sounds a little strange to say that security companies should aim for strong security cultures, but it doesn’t always happen automatically. Many firms struggle with low commitment from staff or general disengagement. 

You can improve security culture by getting to the bottom of the current malaise. Find out what’s holding employees back from being the best that they can be, and remedy it. 

You can also engender a sense of pride in your firm. Getting employees to wear badges and uniforms can change how they feel about their jobs and help them commit. 

Finally, your company’s C-suite should lead by example. Enthusiasm and commitment to the cause is infectious. If you’re excited, there’s a good chance your employees will be, too. 

Improve The Comprehensiveness Of Your Security Strategies And Services

Another way to get ahead of 90 percent of the security industry competition is to improve the comprehensiveness of your security services and strategies. Instead of focusing on a handful of areas, give your clients a holistic service that will encourage them to work with you long-term. Make it so that they don’t need to combine services – something that could dilute your brand and offering. 

Ideally, your services should cover:-

  • Detection of malicious practices in the digital and physical world
  • A suite of targeted and tailored responses to each threat or malicious act
  • A detailed recovery plan if there is a breach

Explaining each step to your clients in detail can help tremendously when selling your services. Walking clients through what you will do in various scenarios is an excellent way to get them interested in your services, funneling them through your sales pipelines. 

Leverage Data


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Related to this, getting ahead of the security industry competition also usually involves leveraging data of one kind or another. The more information you can use to inform your decisions, the better they will be.  

Data analytics and artificial intelligence have progressed beyond many people’s wildest imaginations. We now have machines that can plan, predict and display an intimate knowledge of the theory of mind. 

These advances mean that security businesses have new opportunities to differentiate themselves from the competition. Firms that can effectively leverage data and intelligent systems will provide superior services to those that don’t. 

When it comes to the security industry, AI will do more than simply enhance business intelligence (BI) at the back end. It will fundamentally improve monitoring technologies of all kinds and will eventually be able to intervene on clients’ behalf instantly, without human input. Companies that can leverage it will instantly stand out and take a vast swathe of the market with them. 

Organize Employees Effectively

Those security businesses that get ahead of the curve will also be those best able to marshal their people. Firms that can deploy staff to locations efficiently and manage their timetables effectively will win the cost war. 

Sling scheduling software for security businesses says that solutions now exist that enable firms to track shift work and control labor around the clock. Security guards can often check themselves in, self-report meal breaks, and check out, without any need to directly or immediately involve HR. It means that companies can offer city-wide or regional services at lower costs and higher margins. 

Get Feedback From Clients

Another highly effective strategy is to get feedback from clients. This is something all businesses should be doing, but it matters tremendously in the security industry where services can be intimate. 

Security companies can get feedback from three main groups:-

  1. Employees
  2. Clients
  3. Partners and peers

The quality of the feedback will vary from each group, but it will give you a fuller overall picture of how you’re performing and whether you are meeting the needs of various stakeholders. 

Feedback is valuable when you notice patterns emerging. If you sense something isn’t quite right about your services, this process often provides you with the tools to improve it. It’s not perfect, of course, because people can still be inauthentic, but it does help. 

It’s also a good way to move your security firm towards industry best practices. You can find out from partners what you should be doing better, particularly if they have experience with your rivals’ services.

Feedback also makes it easier for your enterprise to set expectations. You can find out if there is a gulf between prospects’ perceptions of your services and what you can deliver on the ground. As you can imagine, it’s essential to get this balance right. Customers want a sense of what you can offer them, and they aren’t always happy if they don’t quite get what they imagine. 

Provide Customized Services


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Finally, providing customers with customized or value-added services is an excellent way to improve your relationship with them and differentiate themselves from the competition. Again, security is an intimate industry, and so clients often expect people on your team to do more than physically protect their persons and property. 

Naturally, you’re not aiming to be a concierge service, but you shouldn’t discount the idea entirely. Your main job is to provide protection, but it’s also okay to chauffeur your clients to where they want to go, talk to them, and even assist them with chores. 

These might not be glamorous activities, but they can make all the difference when it comes to customer perceptions. Ultimately, most people don’t have a real statistical sense of the threats they face, but they can understand the emotional connection with their security teams. The same goes for businesses. Many will hire security guards for procedural reasons, but won’t for emotional connections. Your task as a security firm is to offer value-added services that make clients experience strong positive feelings towards you, convincing them that they need you around.

Lastly, you might also want to consider developing niche expertise that helps to differentiate you from others in your industry. If you can become known as the best for “retail” or “logistics” security, then companies in these industries will seek you out because they will believe you offer better services than more generalist providers.

Ultimately, staying ahead of the competition in the security industry requires thinking innovatively about your company and what it can offer. The most successful firms are always those that build close connections with their clients.

Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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