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Post: Zero Capital, Zero Problem: 10 Businesses You Can Start Today



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How does it feel to be your own boss rather than working for someone else?

Maybe you’ve always fancied owning a business and celebrating flexibility at work. Well, if it’s the lack of capital that has been holding you from delving into business, we’ll sort it out today! Rather than bothering yourself with upfront expenses and logistics costs, choose a business where you can start quickly.

To give you a few numbers, the US has 33.2 million small businesses, 34.6% of which have already thrived over a decade. Moreover, small businesses account for almost 99.9% of all businesses in the country.

It’s all about strategizing your plan and carving out a niche market for yourself! Whether you are tired of working for your company or want to start a zero-capital business as a side hustle, you have tons of opportunities.

Explore ten amazing business ideas in this article that you can start virtually for free.

Pros of starting a small business with zero capital

Microsoft reveals that starting a small business requires $30,000 as the minimum capital. However, as we are looking beyond traditional business concepts, we will explore zero-capital business ideas. Here’s why low-budget or no-capital business ideas appeal to entrepreneurs.

  • No capital means no financial obligations and 100% financial control over your venture. As a business owner, you won’t have any loans or liabilities. Neither would you be accountable to shareholders, lenders, friends, or your family.
  • While you enjoy a massive success potential if the business shines, a failure would involve little risk. You won’t lose anything; save your energy and time.
  • Regardless of your current financial stature, you can reach your business dreams.
  • With zero business expenses involved, you can start long-term financial planning sooner and accumulate your savings.

Top 10 business ideas with zero capital

Once you identify your aptitude and round on a business idea, develop a strategic plan for researching the market. With these zero-capital business ideas, you can quickly get started and promote your business.

Freelance writing and blogging

Service-oriented business ideas prove to be the best when you think of no-investment startups. If you have a creative spirit or love nurturing the wordsmith in yourself, convert your passion to a progressive business. Blogging and freelance writing have long been side hustles, but now it’s time to think big!

Get started with online platforms such as Fiver or Upwork, build your portfolio, and loop in a few experienced SEO specialists. This way, you can spearhead digital marketing campaigns for small businesses worldwide.

Creating online content isn’t restricted to blogging. You can develop informational content for company brochures, landing page content for high-end marketing campaigns, email newsletters, social media advertisement copies, and so much more.

You can stream recurring income through affiliate blogs even without marketing your business. Doesn’t it make sense to create a permanent source of income? Once you grow your affiliate network as a blogger, you’d enjoy passive income throughout your life!

Start a consultancy

What could be better than using your skills and starting a consultancy in the respective domain? Think of disciplines like medicine, accounting, law, digital marketing, and advertising! Consultants are dominating the market with handsome fees, and you could be one of them.

First, you must excel in the profession where you want to offer consultancy services. Having an academic degree or professional experience in the same field would be a bonus.

You don’t need massive capital to launch your consultancy. What you need is a refined skillset and knowledge. It’s all about laying out a strategic plan or procedure for your clients and customizing solutions to bail them out of situations.

Consider offering your services online to explore diverse markets. You can even offer your consultancy service overseas!

Create digital assets and sell

How about fostering your creative self and transforming unique ideas into a business? Create eBooks, courses, digital art, and even music to sell online. Since these products are intangible, you need not worry about shipping costs. The best thing is you can start generating revenue instantly and stack up a portion of your return as a part of your long-term financial planning.

The trick lies in identifying where you excel. If you are a photographer, try selling stock images. If you are a musician or lyricist, put up your creations for auctions. Even poetry books, comics, cookbooks, and coffee table books sell digitally. It’s all about how you commercialize your creativity.

Build websites for businesses

With the world going digital, have you wondered about the tremendous potential in the website designing business? Just like digital marketing and blogging, this is a purely skill-oriented venture. Freelancers are already making a fortune by designing compelling websites for businesses.

Why not think a step further and get your business registered? Although a trade license isn’t mandatory in this field, it simply adds to your authenticity. If you are confident enough with your skillset, go ahead and launch your startup. Building killer websites can fetch you impressive returns.

Establish a lawn care business

While we all appreciate the beauty of green carpets around our homes, not everyone has the skills to maintain the greenery. If you can master the skills, go for a lawn care business. This can be a profitable business idea if the market around you highly demands landscaping professionals.

You might be considering purchasing equipment such as lawnmowers and paying your employees. Get a small personal loan or use your business credit card to purchase the basic tools. With your business scaling up fast, you can repay the loan in the next few months.

Sell online courses

Do you possess transferable skills that you can teach others? Selling online courses can be a serious venture where you can cater to a global audience.

Look beyond academic courses when you design these courses. For instance, if you are a skilled professional working in the US, why not design a continuous learning program?

Professionals from different industry verticals are looking for online programs to upskill themselves. Whether it’s a career change they want or a salary hike, your course can bail them out! Choose a course where you can demonstrate your expertise and commit yourself to the development of your peers! Selling your courses online can generate passive income in the long term.


How about being a part of the booming global eCommerce industry where you need not manage inventory or invest capital? Dropshipping is the business model to go for. As a business owner, you will have a third-party ready to store inventory and ship goods on your behalf. You only need to generate sales through your website and pass the orders to the third-party supplier. This is a novel business concept involving zero capital.

To further streamline your business, collaborate with multiple suppliers, where you curate products from different sources on your online store. Choose an emerging niche, such as pet supplies or trekking accessories.

Once you sell a product through your website, the order passes to the supplier. So, you need not handle inventory or bother yourself with product delivery. Simply channel your marketing skills to sell goods digitally as you grow your Dropshipping business. Consider pairing up with both local and overseas suppliers to scale your network.

Party planner

Putting on the shoes of a party planner would be an inexpensive way to start your venture. If you can bring your planning and management skills to the table, there’s no looking back.

You simply need a website and a computer to create your branding materials. If you possess sound organizational skills, it’s time to think commercially.

As an event planner, start with weekend parties or children’s parties. The average party-goer shells out around $500 in the US. Considering that you will have children coming over the subsequent generation, you already have an established client base.

Parents habitually look out for innovative ideas to celebrate those special days. You’d love creating experiences and memories for parents as a kid’s party planner. Then there’s the excitement of choosing exhilarating venues and arranging appetizing meals.

Podcasting business

How about becoming a podcaster and reaching out to your audience? Starting a podcasting business requires limited resources. You’d need just audio editing software, a microphone, and impressive voice modulation.

Start creating podcasts on subjects appealing to your passion and cultivating your strengths. Besides, you can share stories of your academic success, profession, sports, or any walk of life that may inspire others.

Podcasting is a connection-oriented business where the quality of your content defines your success. From time to time, include interviews with influencers to broaden your reach. Popular podcasts generate revenue through several channels. Common among these are:

Subscriptions: Listeners need to subscribe for a fee to listen to your episodes on the podcast.

Donations: If you deliver palatable content, humbly request your audience for donations so that you can run the show. Make sure to offer premium rewards to the donors. Also, integrate a payment gateway through which loyal subscribers can donate.

Sponsorships: Once you grow your subscriber base, vouch for sponsorships from local brands. Advertising their businesses on your podcast can generate handsome revenue.

Affiliate marketing: Now that you have a sizable audience, work as affiliate partners with other companies and promote their products on your platform. When your subscribers purchase these products, you will earn a commission.

Sell online products: Use your podcast to sell your eBooks, courses, or handicrafts for an additional income.

Provide self-improvement coaching

There are hundreds of people with diverse ambitions and skills. They are simply unaware of how to make the best use of their innate potential. This sheer lack of guidance often prompts them to hire life coaches. They love fulfilling their dreams with professional guidance. So, if you are comfortable mentoring people to bring out the best in them, why not try this service-oriented business model?

Common niches for self-improvement coaching include healthcare, finance, productivity, career, and relationships. Obtain the necessary certification and channel your knowledge to inspire people and make them do wonders.

Include live sessions and digital courses for different age groups. Also, offer one-on-one classes for self-improvement while charging a consultation fee.


So, which business model suits you the best?

As you explore zero-investment business ideas, you will stumble across plenty of these. Isn’t it overwhelming to find how quickly you fit into one of these profiles?

After you draw up your business strategy, you must work on the pricing. Make sure to keep the pricing affordable for your audience at the outset. Once you get going and your revenue starts pouring consistently, go for more profit-oriented pricing.

Also, stay up-to-date with the latest tax norms as you grow your venture. That’s how successful entrepreneurs fulfill legalities to remain on track.


What is the most profitable business to start if I don’t have capital?

For entrepreneurs with no capital, consultancy or service-oriented business models work out the best. Try freelancing, blogging, taking online classes, affiliate marketing, or being a virtual assistant. You can even start a digital marketing company with no capital if you have SEO skills.

How good is crowdfunding to start my business?

If you develop a problem-solving product and sell it as a part of your business, crowdfunding can generate substantial capital. However, developing most of these products involves upfront expenses since you need to build a prototype. Besides, you need additional funds to market your product and spread the word to attract investments.

How to choose the type of company when I launch a new business?

When you launch your business, take care to lay out a firm legal framework. While you can be a sole proprietor for most freelancing and service-oriented jobs, businesses specializing in lawn care or party planning can be LLCs. These business structures are more complex but come with greater tax advantages.

What type of bank account should I open for my small business?

As long as you are freelancing, a savings account would serve your banking needs. However, when you think commercially and register your business, open a current account. A savings account offers more interest but comes with restrictions on the transaction volume. Also, when you scale your business, you will need a current account.

If I run an online business, do I need to register it?

Regardless of the type of business you engage in, make sure to get it registered. This ensures that you remain compliant with the legalities. Besides, you can grow your clientele with authenticity when you work as a business. Even if registering your online business isn’t mandatory in certain cases, you should register the same for your credibility.

Featured Image Credit: Brett Jordan; Pexels: Thank You!

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Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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