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Post: How to Create a LinkedIn Page for Your Business in 4 Steps



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LinkedIn is a top social media and professional networking platform, with over one billion members across 200 countries and regions worldwide.

Many business owners consider creating a LinkedIn page an exciting rite of passage. This page lets them showcase their company, drive brand awareness, advertise open positions, and connect with industry experts.

A LinkedIn page for a business might not be their only social media channel, which is why many companies use social media suites to manage, monitor, and analyze their social media accounts in one centralized location. Marketing and communications teams leverage social media suites to stay on top of their company’s LinkedIn page performance and other social media accounts.

4 benefits of a Linkedin page for your business

Companies can use a well-optimized LinkedIn page in many ways while reaping the platform’s benefits. 

1. They help companies build brand awareness

LinkedIn helps brands achieve awareness by providing a platform for ongoing company news and updates across its professional network. Abrand can establish its presence and increase visibility by filling out its LinkedIn business page and posting regular updates for users to read and engage with. They can engage with their current audience, and also attract new ones as they begin to build trust and credibility. 

2. Companies can post open roles and find great talent

According to LinkedIn, six people are hired every minute using the platform, and 65 million people use LinkedIn to search for jobs every week. When a company creates a LinkedIn page, they can post open requisitions, making it an excellent tool for job seekers and employers.

3. Employers can create employee brand advocates

A LinkedIn business page makes it easy for employees to engage with and share their employer’s content, which can create more organic reach. Employee advocacy programs help increase brand reach and drive qualified leads while helping employees network and position themselves as thought leaders. Your company and employees can win with the right employee advocacy strategy for LinkedIn. 

4. Businesses increase their discoverability

When a business creates a LinkedIn page, they make it easier for prospects, potential employees, investors, and partners to find them and the people who work there. Spotlighting a business to the millions of users on LinkedIn makes it more discoverable to LinkedIn members. 

You can boost search rankings with the correct information and optimize your strategy. LinkedIn recommends ensuring your LinkedIn page is complete and includes relevant keywords for search engine optimization

How to create a Linkedin page for your business

If you haven’t created a LinkedIn Page for your company yet, it’s a relatively straightforward process. 

First, even though your business page is separate from your individual member profile, you need a LinkedIn account to set one up. If you don’t have a LinkedIn account, pause and sign up before following the steps below. 

Second, gathering this information in advance is optional but will save you some time later. Consider preparing the relevant branding materials for your LinkedIn page, including your company’s contact information, logo, banner image, relevant keywords, and website URL. 

Now, you can create your LinkedIn page by following these steps. 

On the homepage, select “For Business,” then click “Create a Company Page”

Log in to your LinkedIn account and look for the “For Business” icon in the upper right-hand corner. Click the icon to access an expanded menu that includes talent options, marketing solutions, and sales tools. At the bottom of the menu, click the “Create a Company Page” button.

linkedin business page selector

Source: LinkedIn

Choose the type of LinkedIn page you want to create

Next, LinkedIn will prompt you to choose a page type to create. Choose “Company,” “Showcase page,” or “Educational institution.” No matter your company size, if you want to make a page for your organization, choose the “Company” option. 

create a linkedin page

Source: LinkedIn

Enter company information

Now, provide details about your company and begin filling out your page with basic information. In this section, you’ll provide:

  • Your organization’s name*
  • The URL for your organization’s page* (This field auto-populates as you type your organization’s name, but if the generated URL is already taken, you’ll need to customize yours. Read more about Page URLs.) 
  • Your website URL
  • Your industry*
  • Your organization’s size*
  • Your organization’s type*
  • Your logo
  • Your tagline

Fields marked with an asterisk above are required, but the rest are optional. If you don’t complete the optional fields now, return to them once you create your page because you want your LinkedIn page to be as complete as possible. 

Some fields like “Organization size” contain dropdown menus, so you don’t need your organization’s specific number of employees. 

Once you fill in the details, you must verify that you are an authorized representative of the organization for which you are creating the page by selecting the checkbox. Then, click the “Create page” button. 

linkedin business page information

Source: LinkedIn

Congratulations, the easy part is done! Your company page is live on LinkedIn.

Continue following the prompts and add more details to your Linkedin page

Once you finish the initial setup, LinkedIn will direct you to the admin dashboard and prompt you to “Build Your Page.” LinkedIn will tell you how many remaining steps you have (and should complete) to set your page up for success. Some examples of actions you may be prompted with include, but are not limited to, are:

  • Inviting connections to grow your followers
  • Adding a custom button 
  • Sharing a location
  • Adding hashtags
  • Including keywords in the company’s description 
  • Publishing your first post

Complete all the tasks LinkedIn recommends as best as possible and start building your audience!

6 tips for an exceptional LinkedIn Company Page

Your LinkedIn company page is live, and you have completed the recommended actions, but you still have some work to do! Follow these best practices to turn your newly created LinkedIn page into an optimized and exceptional one. 

1. Don’t skimp out on details

The details matter! If you skipped some of the optional sections when you initially set up your page, go back and complete those sections now. It’s okay to return later and make changes as you can always edit your copy and content. 

2. Use high-quality images for your logo and banner image

Visuals, specifically your logo (300 x 300 pixels) and banner image (1,128 x 191 pixels), play an essential role in brand awareness and recognition. At the same time, they can create a bland first impression if they are blurry, hard to read, or visually unattractive. 

Ensure your logo and banner image are high-quality, follow your brand guidelines, and represent your business well. Keep them up-to-date. If your marketing materials change, make sure you update your LinkedIn.

You can also consider using different banner images for different campaigns, seasonal efforts, new product launches, and other significant business efforts. If you choose to go this route, it’s essential to have a process in place for these updates. Outline who will create the graphics and update your LinkedIn page as part of your broader social media or editorial calendar. 

3. Ensure your Linkedin page is SEO friendly

If you want your LinkedIn page to rank, you must optimize your page accordingly. An optimized company page will help drive more traffic to your website and help you reach audience members you might have missed otherwise.

LinkedIn offers the following suggestions for SEO:

  • Use a keyword tool like Ahrefs, Moz Keyword Explorer, SEMRush, or Google Search Console to develop a keywords list; then create an SEO-optimized tagline
  • Optimize your ‘About’ section with relevant company details (i.e., vision, mission statement, values, and positioning) and keywords 
  • Complete your LinkedIn page in its entirety 
  • Post SEO-driven long-form content, such as articles 

4. Develop a plan for regularly posting content

It’s not enough to create your LinkedIn page and let it rest, hoping audience members will visit it and follow your business. Like any social media account, posting content regularly on the platform is imperative. 

Visitors to your page won’t be impressed if they notice that your company rarely shares content on your profile. The good news is that you don’t have to dedicate new resources to creating content solely for your LinkedIn page. You can share company news, upcoming events, webinars, and blog posts to extend the content you might already be creating. 

5. Engage with your audience

Social media is a two-way conversation, so remember to engage with your audience members. Ensure designated team members regularly respond to direct messages and comments. You can also extend the name and face of your brand by interacting with others’ content, including your employees, industry experts, and individuals shouting out your business or tagging your brand. 

Be authentic when engaging with others. Avoid repeatedly copying and pasting the same comments and information, or your brand could come across as robotic and spammy. 

6. Monitor your analytics to learn which content is working

LinkedIn provides analytics for your company page, which can help you understand which content your audience enjoys the most. When viewing your LinkedIn page from the admin view, all you have to do is locate the “Analytics” button on the left-hand side panel. You’ll find a ton of information here, including:

  • Profile view highlights and content engagement metrics
  • Visitor metrics and demographics
  • Follower metrics and demographics
  • Competitor highlights 
  • Employee advocacy metrics
  • Lead collection data if you choose to add a lead gen form

You have a new follower!

Now that your LinkedIn page is live, keeping it updated is essential. People look at your online presence to gain an understanding of what your company is actually like. Keeping your profile information accurate and posting regular updates will improve your brand reputation and increase the number of applicants interested in your job openings.

Job boards like LinkedIn Job Search are an excellent place for new talent to find your business. Learn how to use them.

Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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