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Post: UN lays out plans for how AI can best serve humanity – Computerworld



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The UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence has released its final report — “Governing AI for Humanity” — detailing how AI can best serve humanity, especially people who are often underrepresented and left out of such discussions.

The report builds on months of extensive global consultation with more than 2,000 participants and the publication of a provisional report last December. The group behind the report is described as the world’s first and most representative collection of experts capable of reflecting humanity’s aspirations for AI.

The final report sets out a plan to manage AI-related risks and share the technology’s potential globally. Among other things, it calls for the foundation to be laid for the first globally inclusive and distributed architecture for AI governance based on international cooperation. It also proposes seven recommendations to address shortcomings in current AI governance and calls on all governments and stakeholders to cooperate in overseeing AI to promote the development and protection of all human rights.

Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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