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Post: Focus in Entrepreneurship: Why It’s Important and How to Build It



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To be a successful entrepreneur, you need more than a great product or service; you also need a unique set of skills. Entrepreneurs do not need to be born with these special sets of skills. However, they need to attain them somehow. The good news is that many of these skills can be learned and developed. One of the most important skills entrepreneurs need is the ability to focus. 

Staying focused is something that is becoming harder and harder to do as the world is becoming more complex. While humans have the capacity for sustained attention, the current belief is that the human attention span in the developed world is between 8.5 and 12 seconds, by some estimates. This should be concerning to an entrepreneur who is trying to build a business that could take years to succeed. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of focus in entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurs can build focus into their business and personal lives.


Avoid Getting Distracted

One of the first and possibly the most obvious benefits of having focus in entrepreneurship is that it minimizes the tendency to be distracted. As we all know, distractions are everywhere. This isn’t a problem if you’ve got an abundance of free time and nothing to do with it. However, when trying to build and grow a business, distractions are an enemy of your goals.

Some distractions are obviously bad for entrepreneurs while others are more subtle. Some distractions are disguised as opportunities that may be beneficial. But in actuality, they are things that, if pursued, take away from the core business goals the entrepreneur has.

For example, an entrepreneur may be running a SaaS company but has an idea for a physical product that is missing in the market that is not related to the core business the entrepreneur is running. Even though the opportunity is a good one, should the entrepreneur spend time on that idea rather than their SaaS company? Most likely, the opportunity is a distraction that is taking away from them and not going to help them in any way.

This discipline is vital for maintaining a clear vision and not getting sidetracked by less important tasks or fleeting opportunities. By avoiding these distractions, entrepreneurs can invest their energy and resources in pursuits that offer the greatest impact on their business goals.

Helps Reach Goals Faster

Focus directly contributes to reaching business goals more rapidly. When entrepreneurs channel their efforts towards specific objectives, they can achieve milestones much quicker. This concentrated approach allows for more efficient use of time and resources. This is because every action is aligned with the ultimate goal, whatever that may be.

A focused entrepreneur is less likely to deviate from their planned path, ensuring a steadier and more predictable journey towards their targets. In the fast-paced entrepreneurial world, where market conditions can change rapidly, the ability to achieve goals swiftly is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity for survival and growth.

Improves Decision Making

As an entrepreneur, being a decision-maker just comes with the territory. Entrepreneurs need to decide when to start their business and when to exit. In between, there are a million other decisions that need to be made. When an entrepreneur is more focused, they can minimize the number of bad decisions that are made throughout their entrepreneurial journey.

When you’re focused as an entrepreneur, you can weigh the pros and cons of a decision more effectively and to foresee potential outcomes. This clarity is crucial for making informed choices that align with the business’s long-term strategy. 

Having a clear focus can also minimize impulsive decision-making and behavior. If you have the focus to launch a new product in 5 months, you will be less likely to abandon that decision because there is a slight shift in market demand. While it is important to know when to pivot, the shift in demand may be temporary or seasonal. When you’re focused on the goal of the product launch, you will avoid making the error of basing your decision on feelings that may not be valid or circumstances that are not permanent. 

Helps Entrepreneurs Bounce Back from Failure Quickly

Failures and setbacks are just a part of running a business. While some of these failures are small and not terminal to the business, others can cause a business to close its doors When entrepreneurs have a clear focus, bouncing back from these failures becomes easier. Whether it is a failed product launch, hiring the wrong people for your team, or the failure of an entire business, focus allows a person to try again sooner than those who lack focus.

By maintaining their focus on the broader vision and long-term goals, entrepreneurs can quickly reassess their strategies. It is also easier to identify where things went wrong. This is really important because it helps the entrepreneur make the necessary adjustments. It also helps them not make the same mistakes.

This ability to bounce back quickly conserves valuable time and resources and keeps the business moving forward. Staying focused during tough times demonstrates strong leadership, inspiring teams to remain committed and resilient in the face of adversity.

Helps with Resource Management

 Entrepreneurs often operate with limited resources. Because of this, how they allocate these resources can significantly impact their business’s success. Focus enables entrepreneurs to prioritize their resources. They need to know where to spend their time, money, or manpower. A focused entrepreneur can distinguish between what’s essential and what’s extraneous. The last thing an entrepreneur wants is to run out of these resources. 



Staying Focused as an Entrepreneur

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives

The foundation of focus for entrepreneurs lies in setting clear and achievable goals. Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives provide a roadmap for where the business needs to go. By breaking down these goals into smaller, manageable tasks, entrepreneurs can maintain a clear sense of direction. This clarity reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed and keeps the entrepreneur aligned with their business vision.

As an entrepreneur, make sure your goals are clearly defined. Be sure that you and your team understand them completely. The clearer the goals, the more likely you are to keep them top of mind and keep your focus on them. 

Prioritizing Tasks Effectively

Effective prioritization is key to staying focused. Entrepreneurs should distinguish between tasks that are urgent and important. Tools like the Eisenhower Box can help in categorizing tasks and deciding which ones to tackle first. By focusing on activities that directly contribute to achieving their key goals, entrepreneurs can avoid spending unnecessary time on less impactful tasks.

Minimizing Distractions

To maintain focus, entrepreneurs need to identify and minimize these distractions. This might mean setting specific times to check emails and social media, working in a quiet environment, or using productivity tools to block distracting websites. Establishing a dedicated workspace, whether in an office or at home, can also help in creating a distraction-free zone conducive to focused work.

Regular Breaks and Downtime

One Gallup poll finds that most entrepreneurs work about 50 hours a week. Even so, oftentimes, entrepreneurs feel that there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to be done. Because it seems like there is never enough time, many entrepreneurs avoid or put off taking breaks. Sometimes the avoidance is done throughout their day. Other times, entrepreneurs can not take a day off for months. This lack of taking breaks and downtime ends up hurting the entrepreneur and their business more than it helps.

Business owners should take about 4 weeks of vacation each year. In reality, according to a study from OnDeck, just 57% of small business owners take vacations. Not taking vacations and time off can lead to the entrepreneur burning out, increase stress, and even impact their health.

Breaks and downtime should also be taken throughout the day. One study finds that the ideal work-to-break ratio was 52 minutes of labor, followed by 17 minutes of rest. Taking regular breaks is crucial for maintaining focus. Short breaks throughout the day allow for mental rest and rejuvenation, leading to better concentration and productivity.

Schedule “Unfocused Time”

If being unfocused is a common challenge for you, then trying to stay focused 100% of the time is going to be a tough task. This is why it may be a good idea to schedule time specifically to be unfocused. Unfocused time is time that you create for yourself where you give yourself permission to be as unfocused as you like.

If you tend to be distracted by social media, schedule time specifically to scroll through Instagram. This guilt-free time will help you stay focused when you’re working because you know that you will have time later to give attention to your distractions.

The key is to make sure that you stick to your unfocused schedule. While you may set aside 30 minutes of unfocused time, that half hour can turn into 60 minutes before you know it. Utilize app blockers or stopwatches to make sure that you don’t go over your scheduled time.

Leveraging Technology and Tools

Various tools and apps are available to help entrepreneurs stay focused. From project management software like Trello or Asana to focus apps like Forest or Freedom, technology can be a great ally in the battle against distraction and inefficiency. However, it’s important to use these tools judiciously to ensure they don’t become distractions themselves.

Regular Review and Adjustment of Goals

Entrepreneurs should regularly review their goals and progress. This practice helps in keeping the focus aligned with the evolving nature of the business and the market. Adjusting strategies and objectives as needed ensures that the entrepreneur’s efforts are always contributing towards the most relevant and impactful outcomes.


Staying focused is an ongoing challenge for entrepreneurs. However, with the right strategies and tools, it is achievable. Your sharpened focus is not just about working harder but working smarter. With those combinations, you can know that every effort made is a step towards achieving business success.

Ralph Paul on Twitter
Ralph Paul

Ralph is the Managing Editor at StartUp Mindset. The StartUp Mindset team consists of dedicated individuals and is designed to help new, seasoned, and aspiring entrepreneurs succeed.

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Lora Helmin

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