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Post: JNUC 2023: The top 5 changes JAMF unveiled



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Heads-up, Apple-in-the-enterprise admins. One of the biggest annual events for Apple IT professionals, Jamf Nation User Conference, rolled around this week in Austin, TX. 

Led by new CEO John Strosahl, the company offered up a range of announcements, improvements, and insights from third-party presenters, including Cisco CIO Fletcher Previn. Michael Covington, Jamf vice president of portfolio strategy, discussed the advance of the Mac into the enterprise space, and stressed how his company’s solutions help provide the kind of digital business stability — even for remote enterprises — that businesses need today.

Here are the highlights of this year’s event.

Macs are good for business

Previn is famous for his work launching a highly successful company-wide employee choice scheme when he was at IBM. That effort  proved that Macs save money and boost engagement and productivity. He returned to JNUC to share his experience at Cisco, where 60% of employees now use Macs (and 24% of PC users switch platforms when they get the chance to upgrade).

Based on Cisco data drawn from across a 130,000-strong workforce, he detailed why it’s shrewd business to go Mac:

  • Macs are up to $395 per machine cheaper to run than PCs.
  • Sales teams using Macs outperform PC counterparts with 9.8% more deals.
  • Software engineers generated 11.5% more code on a Mac.
  • Employees using Macs and iPhones had 83% IT satisfaction.
  • And Mac users see almost five times fewer cyberthreats — and nine times fewer virus issues — than PCs.

Jamf Pro 11 gains usability and more

The pride of the company’s portfolio, Jamf Pro, is thesomething Apple administrators use every day. Announced at the event, Jamf Pro 11 sports an easier-to-navigate user interface, better accessibility tools, new shortcuts to get to the most popular workflows, and built-in support for Apple’s Declarative Device Management (DDM).

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Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

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